20 Things I'd Tell My Younger Self
Do you ever wish you can get into your time traveling DeLorean so you can sit your fifteen year old self down and just give yourself life advice?! Unfortunately we can't do that because we all know that we wouldn't be who we are today without "life experience". But if I were able to give fifteen year old me some advice these would be the thing I'd tell myself.
1. Perfection Is A Myth. Nobody has a perfect life, period. Focus on your dreams and no one elses.
2. Don't Hold Grudges. Holding onto the past just brings negativity into your life. Learn to let it go. A peaceful life is a happy life.
3. Listen To Your Intuition/Trust Your Gut. That little feeling you get in your stomach when somethings off whether meeting a person or being in a situation....Listen to it! It's NEVER wrong.
4. Self Esteem. Cool it with the comparison! Love your body with all your heart and never let any dumb person tell you anything different.
5. Use Sunscreen!
6. Stop Trying To Plan Your Life Out. It's not the end of the world if something you planned doesn't work out. So stop worrying, shit happens.
7. There Are Different People For Different Chapters. Friendships change and that's OK!
8. Do NOT Tweeze Your Eyebrows!
9. Never Be Ashamed Of Who You Are. Younger Daniele late 20's Daniele is awesome and a total badass. Spend more time believing it and life will be so much easier.
10. Smile At Others. You never know what people are going through in life, smile and make their day.
11. Take Care Of Your Body. You are what you eat! Eat clean and exercise that bod!
12. Stop Caring What Everyone Else Thinks. Because honestly half of the time people aren't paying attention anyways. We are our worst critic.
13. Be Happy. It doesn't matter what life throws at you. Smile and be happy. It all works out in the end.
14. Your True Friends Will Always Be There And Support You.
15. You're Allowed To Say No. Yes you are a people pleaser and a half. You don't have to do what other people want you to do.
16. Set Boundaries.
17. Be Open To Change. You never know what life is gonna throw at you. Just go with life's flow.
18. Stop Apologizing So Much.
19. Don't Be Afraid To Stand Up For Yourself.
20. Be Curious. Try new things and find out who you really are!
Those are the 20 things I would tell my younger self. But really the fifteen year old me would just do an eye roll and think something totally different. Like being an adult is going to be so much easier than this high school thing. This was a really fun post to really think outside of the box and to get just a little more personal.
What would you tell your younger self?
Positive vibes from me to you!
XOXO Daniele
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